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The Glassheart Chronicles Page 22

Question: Fisher Amelie, you write such sweet, romantic story lines. Where do you draw your inspiration?

  Everything inspires me. Everything! Anything beautiful can spur my imagination. Sometimes it can be a book or film but my official muse is most definitely music. The right song can cause me to spill a thousand words onto paper and there is absolutely nothing like the sensation of creating scenes worth stealing your breath. Music takes the scenes between my characters to heights I couldn't write without it. Nothing can make my chest ache the way a song can. They are my inspiration.

  I think it also helps that I keep my characters as sincere as possible. I make it a priority to keep them genuine so there is no mistaking their intentions for the other. It makes it very easy for me to write them romantically and sweetly when I know for sure where their hearts lie. Nothing is more inspiring than an earnest love.

  What is one thing that no one knows about you?

  I wanna be a Roller Derby chick so badly! It just looks like a heck of a lot of fun. Seriously, if I could, I would strap on a pair of pinks and fishnets and glide onto the smooth wood track where I could kick some butt and take some names. I've thought about this a lot and I'm leaning towards the name, 'Ophelia Payne'. (Don't you dare steal that or I'll introduce my elbow to your face!) (See what I did there? Wouldn't I be a perfect roller derby chick!) I'm a terrific skater, too. I just lack the time, money, aggression...and guts? Okay, listen, I'm gonna be honest with you folks, I bruise easily and as we all know things can get kind of brutal out there. Remember, I have to keep the face in good shape. My fans demand it. All three of them. I'm not saying I'm scared because I'm not. It's just, I can't risk the hands. They're my money makers and...oh, dash it all. I admit, I am a bit scared. Those girls are intimidating. But oh so cool. Jealous.

  Question: J.L. Bryan, your stories are chilling. Do you glean ideas from dreams and nightmares? How do you tap into that mindset?

  I think there's a lot of horror in human life, a lot of evil that's difficult to understand or process. This brings not only the question of why people act in a way that makes others suffer, but also how human beings can cope with these kinds of situations. I'm particularly interested in myths—religious, political or other—which can be used to convince people that what should be obviously evil is instead of virtuous, noble or sacred.

  Any horror in my stories is an elaboration or exaggeration of real human situations.

  I also think darkness provides a contrast that can bring out what it truly noble or beautiful. So I look for the precious grains of beauty, deep feeling or enlightenment in the darkest situations.